Prezz ta 'Unità: | 11~32 USD |
Tip ta 'Ħlas: | T/T |
Min. Ordni: | 25 Kilogram |
Mudell Nru.: Youth-013
Brand: Żgħażagħ
Tipi Ta ': Estratt tal-Ħxejjex
Karatteristiċi: Trab
Post: Żerriegħa
Metodu Ta 'estrazzjoni: Estrazzjoni tas-Solvent
Pakkett: Kontenitur tal-plastik, TANBUR
Post Tal-oriġini: Iċ-Ċina
Isem tal-Prodott: Maca Root Extract
Source: Yellow Maca、Black Maca and Red Maca
Extracted Parts: Maca plant origin Peruvian tuber
Specification: 10:1 20:1 50:1 and 100:1
Mesh: 80 Mesh
Appearance: Yellow Brown Color、Black
Main Function Ingredient: Macaamide, makar, mustard
Nutritional Value: Amino acid (arginine, etc.), flavonoids, polysaccharides, fructose, alkaloids, mustard, olein
Solubility: Water soluble
Detection Method: HPLC
Imballaġġ: 1. 1 kilogramma għal kull borża tal-fojl tal-aluminju b'boroż tal-plastik waħda ġewwa; 2. 25 kilogramma għal kull barmil tal-kartun b'boroż tal-plastik waħda ġewwa; 3. Ippakkjar bħala r-rekwiżiti tal-klijenti.
Produttività: Annnual Output 2000 Tons
Trasport: Ocean,Land,Air,Express,Others
Post ta 'Oriġini: Iċ-Ċina
Abbiltà tal-Provvista: Annnual Output 2000 Tons
Ċertifikat: Kosher,Hala,Haccp,ISO Certificate
Port: Shanghai Port,Tianjin Port,Guangzhou Port
Tip ta 'Ħlas: T/T
Valur nutrittiv għoli ilma li jinħall fl-iswed maca root estratt trab tal-massa
1. Speċifikazzjoni:
2. Vantaġġi tagħna:
3. Għażla tal-Materjal Raw :
Specifications of Maca |
Black Maca |
Red Maca |
Yellow Maca |
Appearance |
Color |
Black |
Purple |
Yellow |
Place of Origin |
Peru |
Peru |
Peru |
Growing environment |
It grows at elevation of 3,500 or more. The growth environment is more bad, the temperature difference between day and night is larger, the depth of planting is deeper, and is more sufficient for nutrient absorption. |
Planted deep, more fully absorbed soil nutrients, Zi Marta fruit density is higher, and the taste is more strong. |
Microly acidic silassings, growing in sunshine, purely high. |
Shape |
Ellipse, the meat is hard |
Leaves ellipse, root form small radish |
Long strip, fruit growth is relatively close. |
Smell |
Strong spicy flavor |
It's saticate, chewing but faint. |
Spicy flavor |
Nutritional Value |
There are more nutrients, and it is known as the black tiles in Maca. |
Its nutritional value and efficacy are slightly lower than Black Maca |
The most common Maca, most of the Marca powder and Maca extracts are used in ordinary yellow Maca as raw materials, and their nutritional value is below Black Maca and Zi Marta.
4 . Valur nutrittiv tal-maca :
Comparison per 100 grams of component |
Unit |
content |
Comparison per 100 grams of component |
unit |
Content |
protein |
gram |
2.0 |
calcium |
Milligram |
220 |
Fat |
gram |
2.2 |
iron |
Milligram |
16.6 |
unsaturated fatty acid |
gram |
52.7 |
Zinc |
Milligram |
3.8 |
Dietary fiber |
microgram |
21.3 |
Selenium |
Milligram |
4.1 |
carotene |
microgram |
74.5 |
manganese |
Milligram |
1.24 |
Biotin |
microgram |
9.4 |
Potassium |
Milligram |
2050 |
Vitamin C |
microgram |
2.15 |
Polysaccharide |
gram |
2.55 |
Vitamin B1 |
microgram |
6 |
Mustard oil |
microgram |
10.0 |
Vitamin B2 |
microgram |
2.15 |
Isocyanate |
microgram |
0.15 |
Vitamin B6 |
microgram |
0.32 |
Macaenes |
microgram |
0.06~0.52 |
Vitamin B12 |
microgram |
0.8 |
Macaamide |
microgram |
0.09~0.45 |
5. Funzjoni ta 'estratt / trab tal-maca:
Maca huwa ikel naturali, mhux tifqigħ qasir ta 'enerġija, iżda żift effettiv. Magħrufa bħala l-magni tal-ormoni naturali, li jiffrankaw il-ġisem, biex jimmassimizzaw il-potenzjal tal-bniedem.
Ittejjeb il-ħajja sesswali, speċjalment il-promozzjoni tas-sekrezzjoni tal-ormoni mill-ġisem biex inixxu wisq estroġenu u proġesteron, is-sodisfazzjon tal-ħajja sesswali. Ittejjeb l-irqad, demm mestrwali, ritorn endokrinali għall-ekwilibriju.
Kategoriji tal-Prodott : Estratt tal-Ħxejjex > Estratt ieħor tal-pjanti
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